
2nd Ripple Molding Mania – II

It’s hard to write about the second have of this year’s Ripple Molding Mania since the prose would consist of, “Well, we kept on working and trying new things.”

With music in the background we were all busy little elves.

Travis used a definitive resource as his guide for moving forward with steady determination.

We brought up my bench-top drill press so we would have two of them available, which was needed at several points in the week.

Soon Travis’ machine began to take shape. eventually assuming its completed form by week’s end.

Of particular interest were his innovations for the follower and a home-built cutting iron advancer made from available parts from the farm and hardware store.

Working from an entirely different concept, the objective being a diminutive bench-top model, Sharon took to drawing out the problem and solution by creating technical illustrations that were themselves works of art.   She has promised to share them with us once they are finished.

Meanwhile John disassembled and re-assembled his cutter head several times, trying to wring the last bits of flex out of the wave cutting function.

By the time we parted everyone was well on the way to have a functioning/better functioning machine.  We have kept in touch since then, and continue to spur each other on with innovative brainstorming becoming manifest in reality.

We can hardly wait for our next conclave, when we expect it to be more of a show-and-tell rather than a think-and-build.