Events at the Barn

Workshop at The Barn – Making Parquetry Panels

247The historic technique of marquetry — the application of veneers in a decorative manner — is so huge that several course opportunities will barely touch the surface.  The techniques taught and practiced in the class are exercises based in great part on my own experience and the research done in producing To Make as Perfectly As Possible: Roubo on Marquetry based on  L’Art du Menuisier, the monumental 18th century Parisian woodworking treatise by A. J. Roubo, and other historical ante-types documented by other scholars.


Starting with slabs of lumber we’ll make a parquetry and banded panel guided by Roubo’s Plates 286 and 287.  We will saw our own veneer (mostly with a power band saw but if you are really motivated we can try my several veneer frame saws) and construct the necessary sawing and planing templates needed for the project.



This workshop is limited to six students and will be three days long, July 18-20, 2014, with a registration of $375.  A tool and supply list will be sent to all participants in advance of the event.
