
Basement Door Frame Replacement

One of the features of much early work (2008-2012) on the barn was the truth that I was always racing to get things done over a weekend before heading back to Mordor.  Since It was weekend-based I was pretty much limited to what materials I had on hand.  If I needed some of “X” but only had some of “Y,” well, I had to make do with “Y.”

This pretty much explains the framing around the door to the first floor.  It was a Sunday evening, so I had an hour, some scrap white pine lumber, and a tube of construction adhesive, and I had to get a door in place before heading home.  Flash forward and it should be no surprise that the doorway was needing an extreme upgrade.

This time I had as much time as I needed, an inventory of pressure treated lumber, a bag of concrete screws, and as much construction adhesive as I might need.  The starting point was un-hanging the door and removing the “framing” which took me a half-hour at most.

I ripped and crosscut the pressure treated lumber, grabbed the appropriate masonry drill bit and my Craftsman hammer drill, and got to work.  A few hours later I was fitting the final pieces.

Now the doorway is set for decades to come.