Door Days
One of the foci for shop projects for this winter will be a series of projects addressing the “door” needs around the place.
This will begin with the completion of fashioning the doors for Mrs. Barn’s small clothes cabinet I built a couple years ago. I’ve had the vintage chestnut lumber picked out ever since the cabinet was made, but somehow that task never percolated to the top of the pile.
I’ve also got another eight doors to make for the book cases in the balcony library. Again, I’ve had all the stock prepared awaiting assembly, and now is the time for that to happen. I’ve not observed any mouse damage to the books yet, but given enough time it would occur.
Finally, I need to replace the double-plastic-sheet doors to the workshop. They do a surprisingly good job but the time has come for real doors with real insulated glass.
Once all of these jobs get done I will turn my attention to the door(s) into the machine shop/foundry. These doors were damaged long ago during a fierce wind and will be replaced by a configuration still to be determined. At the moment I am leaning toward a single door with a removable glazed wall alongside it.
Stay tuned.
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