
Greenhouse, Episode #5

With the wire frame tunnel in place it was time to frame out the ends.  It was not as easy as I had hoped given that the perfect semi-circular arc was not, well, perfect.  Nor was it even symmetrical for both ends.  Mostly a semi-circular arch, but not perfect.  That meant that every stick had to be custom cut and fit before assembling with deck screws.  plus, the pile driver/local rocky dirt combination meant that the posts themselves were out of perfect by about an eighth of an inch.  All of that compounded to make sure the assembling of the end framing was a tedious process.

I did have the advantage(?) of lots of recycled windows and doors.  When you have replaced all the windows in two houses, you’ve got plenty of inventory.  There are two doors at each end, one screened and the other glass.  All of the windows will be openable as screened awning windows once the weather is right in the early summer (our “frost free” date is May 30).

Notwithstanding the fact that the arch at the east end of the space was 2″ off-axis due to whatever factor — lunar forces, prevailing trade winds, inherent torque in the raw material — it was an easy enough problem to rectify once I recognized it.

Compounding all of the tedium was that we were at the time of year when I lose usable working light by about 4PM, at least “usable” for these tired old dysfunctional eyes.  But after about four days of effort the ends were framed and mostly glazed.  I say “mostly” because we are awaiting the arrival of the solar ventilation fan to get installed before everything gets buttoned up.

At least you get the idea.

Up next; draping the plastic.  Stay tuned.