
Historic Finishing Workshop Prelims

Last weekend I hosted another Historic Finishing worship at the barn, an event commissioned by a group of guys who met at a woodworking class somewhere.  Given the general level of disinterest in folks attending classes here I will no longer be scheduling any workshops other than ones that are commissioned.  I am truly not complaining, just recognizing reality for what it is.  As CS Lewis commented, “Reality is a ruthless instructor, it does not care if you agree with it or not.”

It took a long time to get the classroom cleaned out, prepped, and outfitted with a range of tools and exercises for the students.  I’ll recount the experience over the next few days.  It was a marvelous time, but since it was all about shellac and beeswax, how could it not be?

As always we will begin with a discussion of the Six Rules, handing ledger sized printouts for each to take home and guide their work the remainder of their lives.

I have distilled and refined the curriculum over the years into a dozen exercises, and think it is just about the max I can cram into 2-1/2 days.  I suppose I should write this up some day in a syllabus format.

Stay tuned.