“Make A Gragg Chair” Video Continued
A couple weeks ago we had two excellent days of videoing for my Make A Gragg Chair video. As my pal MikeM observed, doing video slows everything down by at least three-fold.
We are now to the point of actually assembling the pile of bentwood pieces into a chair, beginning with the sides of the chair in an assembly jig (after attaching the side rungs via mortising them into the legs) and then starting to fit the cross elements.
One thing is for sure, it’s pretty important to have a large number of simple spring clamps and temporary bracing to keep everything together.
This is a really exciting project for me, and my earlier projections are falling by the wayside regarding the length and detail of the final product. I’m sorta guessing this might be in the 10-12 hour range once we get all finished.
I am also getting a better sense of how to create a six-day workshop for making Gragg chairs. I just might be able to pull it off. When the video is finished I’m going to embark on a focused exercise to see if it is truly possible.
Stay tuned.
Looking forward to the videos Don. Plans would be great too.
If you are looking for any volunteers to help with your focused exercise give a holler. Central NY isn’t that far away from you. As long as I can figure out how to avoid Harrisburg, PA.
Thanks Mitch, I’ll keep it in mind. My idea is to have all the parts pre-made/bent, then have the students assemble them and each of them have an individual session with me bending all the necessary pieces. So I will start at Hour Zero with all the parts in hand and see if I can make a completed chair in 48 hours of bench time. No chance of the fancy painting in a week IMHO.
I’m also contemplating making a set of full scale drawings…