
The Sublime and the Ridiculous (not woodworking)

I’m never sure how yootoob executes searches, as I frequently have something pop into my Recommendations that I had unsuccessfully searched for many moons ago.  Much to my delight this is one such example that showed up last week.

As I have already indicated I could listen to Delphine Galou sing the phone book.  I am no fan of operatic music but somehow this oratorio by Vivaldi is captivating.  I am such a fan of hers that were she to tour the US I would make every effort to attend a concert.  Even if it meant going to NYC, especially if Congress manages to pass CCW reciprocity.

Mrs. Galou is firmly ensconced in my current pantheon of female vocalists along with Jennifer Warnes and Eva Cassidy, with Alison Krauss, Gloria Lynne and Deborah Holland in the bullpen.  Full confession — I just don’t get Billie Holliday.

Against the glory of Mrs. Galou’s singing is the ridiculous visual of the chamber music ensemble wearing face diapers in keeping with the edicts of the Fauci Flu fraud purveyors and their gullible myrmidons.  Was the Fauci Flu a real thing?  Of course, I spent nearly two weeks in the hospital with it.  I know folks two degrees of separation who died from it, usually in forced isolation as they died.  Was Fauci Flu something “special” epidemiologically?  Other than its sponsorship and source, not particularly.  Periodic lethal respiratory flus sweep the nation with only slightly less mortality.

I have a good friend who was a BCN specialist in the military.  That’s Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear weapons.  His expertise indicates that the only protection against viruses the size of Fauci Flu would require a full, sealed hazmat suit with independent air source.  Face diapers are futile, as the unfolding medical literature is confirming.  (Mrs. Barn is a trained scientist and reads the stuff)

Thus, the sight of this instrumental ensemble performatively wearing completely ineffective “protection” is more sanctimonious virtue signaling than anything else.  I wonder when or if we will look back at such posturing with the ridicule it demands, or if any of the perpetrators will ever receive justice..

Ironically, one of the guys who got this exactly correct, and was systematically silenced and defamed by the “smart people,” will soon become the most powerful person in the US medical establishment.  Karma, baby.  Karma.

If my comments about the Fauci Flu disturb you, I will give your concerns all the gracious consideration is appropriate.

Okay, I’m done with those considerations.

And if you are not enamored with the voice of Delphine Galou?  You just might be a barbarian.

There, I’ve said it.