Update From The Department of Redundancy Department
As they say in the world of supply logistics, “Three is two, two is one, and one is none.”
The great thing about providing all your own power for a facility is that you get to provide all your own power. The bad thing about providing all your own power for a facility is that you get to provide all your own power. Thus you are enjoying the fruits of your own power plant or you are tending to the power plant. That is why I have redundancy built in to my system. For example, in the winter when I decommission and drain the water line to the hydroturbine I can fall back on my solar panels, which usually suffice. And if it is a particularly cloudy stretch of days I can fire up the 6kw gas generator.
But sometimes even that is not enough.
Recently I did some routine maintenance to the system requiring me to take the solar panels off-line. It was nothing exotic, I was just cleaning the battery terminals for the storage batteries. When I brought everything back on-line the solar system simply refused to work properly. Grrr. If it had been performing at zero efficiency I would know one thing. If it performed at half efficiency, I would know another. But those stinkers are only performing at about 10%, which has me and the engineers scratching our heads. I need to undertake thorough troubleshooting session once the weather warms a bit.
So, I fired up the generator and sent the juice up the hill. But friends, when the temps are in the teens, pull-starting an 11HP motor can be a challenge. Under those conditions pull-starting a big motor can result in pulling a muscle in your abdomen. Which happened. Grr, grr.
Still for three weeks I relied on my generator, but that has its own problems too. A typical generator provides “dirty” power meaning that the current is pulsing and so too do the lights. The eye can get used to that, but the video camera cannot. Thus we had to cancel a long-scheduled video session, no small thing since Chris now has a full time job, a new/old house, and a baby on the way. We have not been able to schedule the make-up session, and I really need to get the Gragg chair video finished. Grr, grr, grr.
In semi-desperation I undertook another upgrade/redundancy to the system and have yet another in the works for this summer. I hired the electricians who have worked with me in the past to come about two weeks ago and wire in a 50A 220v circuit from the cabin to the control shed, so now I have the option of sending ~11kw of clean juice up the hill if needed.
This summer I will build a second hydroturbine about 100 feet downstream from the current Pelton wheel micro-turbine, but this one will be a cross-flow turbine with an open hopper penstock so it will not need to be decommissioned in the winter. I’ve got the perfect location for the sluice and hopper where it will capture 100% of the water flow with about a five-foot drop and will begin work on them as soon as the weather is more congenial and I get caught up on my projects in the studio.
I am currently four-is-three and will soon be five-is-four…
Stay tuned.
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