Workbench Building Workshop July 25-29
After extensive rasslin’ with the calendar I have finally settled on some dates for summer workshops at The Barn. The first one I can announce is a week-long workshop during which each participant will build and be able to leave with a completed workbench.
The agenda is for each participant to leave on Friday afternoon with a finished workbench of either the Nicholson (English) variety or a Roubo (French) style. For the most part this project will not require advanced woodworking skills. This week is for building the bench only, if you want any accouterments like vises or other bells and whistles that will require further work by you once you get it home.

The only way we can be certain to get these done in a week is to work as a team and build them exactly as I designed them; eight feet long, 36″ high and 20 inches deep. Again, any modifications to that will be yours to make ex poste. I can work with each of you to make those decisions and acquire the necessary attachments (although I would strongly recommend everyone get a pair of holdfasts from Gramercy Tools). But if we all work together well you will each leave with a workbench that is of heirloom quality and can serve your needs for the rest of your life and those of craftsmen literally for centuries to come. Yup, unless you leave this bench to rot in a leaky shed I would expect 300-500 year life span for it.
The benches will be built from spectacular southern yellow pine I can get across the mountains. I will be blogging about building these benches next month after I get back from filming a couple of videos at Popular Woodworking.
The cost for the event is $400 for members of the Professional Refinishers Group and $750 for non-Groopsters (with a $200 deposit), and includes the materials and lunches. I think I can handle eight benches being built at once up on the fourth floor. We’ll make them at least partially disassemble-able so we can hoist them down for departure at the end of the week.
If you have any interest you can contact me here.
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