Done! (with a new article for Popular Woodworking)
Since returning from my last trip to WIA and the Studley photoshoot I have been spending a lot of time this week completing the photography for an upcoming Popular Woodworking article , in the February issue I think. The article describes my design and construction for the bolt-to-the-front-of-the-bench wheel-handle tail vise I added to my workbench, with enough information so that you can make your own for whatever needs you might have. If you have a table saw and drill press and can order materials on-line, it is a piece of cake.
I needed to make this vise because my existing workbench for the past 30 years could not accommodate a Benchcrafted vise, and I wrote the article because I am surely not the only person who’s bench has the same or similar limiting characteristics.
I’ll be bringing it to next Saturday’s SAPFM Virginia Chapter meeting in Winchester VA for the show-and-tell session before main speaker George Walker‘s presentation.
The crew at PopWood are all woodworkers and a real pleasure to work with. If you have any ideas for an article, just drop a line to Megan, Glen (with whom I am working on this one), Bob, or Chuck. They genuinely enjoy helping you make the idea into an article. Really, let them know
Stay tuned.
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