40 Days and 40 Nights
I take note of my friends in the Northeast remarking on what a wet and soggy summer it has been up there, even chuckling at Patrick Leach’s comment that the only reason it did not rain for forty days and forty nights on July is that July does not have forty days. Meanwhile here in Shangri-la it has been at least that long since we have had a decent rain, our yard is getting crunchy. Fortunately Mrs. Barn laid soaker hoses throughout the gardens when she planted this spring so she is able to keep everything moisturized just fine (we are now near peak bean harvesting time).
Yesterday I measured the flow of the creek and it was just under 15 gallons per minute, or less than 10% of what is normal for this time of year. Suffice to say the the hydropower turbine is almost silent. Fortunately the solar panels are pounding out watts, certainly enough for my needs in the shop.
Next week I start setting up for the upcoming Gragg Chair Workshop.
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