
A Milestone of Sorts

Since my first post, 10-1/2 years ago, I’ve managed to create and upload 1,733 offerings to the blogosphere.  For almost all of those entries I have allowed comments to be made by you the readers.   Unfortunately, the robots and well-wishers from around the globe also post comments, mostly about how great the blog is, how great their counterfeit Gucci handbags, watches, sports jerseys, etc., are, and oh by the way, do I want a Russian/Ukranian/ Cambodian/ Malaysian mail-order bride?  Now, I love the people of Russia, Ukraine, Cambodia, and Malaysia as much as the next guy, but…

The number of these heartfelt and generous offers in the aggregate is well in excess of 100,000.  It warms my heart as you can imagine.   Admittedly, I cannot dispositively confirm the content of many/most of these offers because they are in Cyrillic, Arabic, Cambodian, Korean, or Greek alphabets, none of which I read, or in the standard Western alphabet but composed in a language I do not understand.  My filter works pretty well but since a couple of my commenters’ contributions always end up in the Junk/Spam file regardless of how I make the settings, so I always have to scan the Junk/Spam folders to make sure there are no legit comments there.

But my post about grain alcohol garnered several real replies, which brings the total number of honest-to-goodness comments to 800 over the life of

Let the celebration begin!