hide glue

A Reader’s Adventures With Gelatin Molds

I got this note recently, and it encouraged me immensely. This is the fellow who planted the seed in the first place in some correspondence going back to last autumn. We have continued to communicate with our respective tinkering with the process.

Hi Don,

I’ve been meaning to follow up with you on my experimentation with the gelatin molds.

In short, at least for now, I’ve changed my expectations for the gelatin mold. I have had excellent results but have changed my goal of utilizing the gelatin mold for “mass” production. Rather, I think these molds work well for making a few casts.

While the gelatin may not last for years like a silicone or urethane rubber mold, it’s key advantage is that it can be melted down after use and reused. Given the cost of quality silicon and urethane this is noteworthy.

I ended up with a basic formula of 2 parts liquid hide glue to 1 part glycerin (by volume). I bought some hardener but haven’t used it.

I enlisted the help of my 6 year old daughter. We started with making a mold of a quarter and then making a cast in chocolate.

Then during Valentine’s Day she made a clay sculpture and then we made another chocolate cast

Then I moved on to a simple wood carving. The gelatin mold worked well here. Unfortunately I seem to have deleted the picture of the cast. Detail replication still very high.

I have kept my recycled gelatin mold material in my refrigerator for about 3-4 months and there has been no sign of spoilage.

More experimentation to come. I’ll keep you posted on the results.