Behold, The Peacock Feather Cometh!
After months of anticipation and labors the time had come for my friend and protégé Daniela to come and paint the peacock feather(s) on the chairs I was constructing for clients and for the documentary video we were shooting. She had painted the peacock feathers for me previously and was able and willing to pitch in again.
We had only a very narrow window of time to work with as it was the weekend of the county fair, which is a VERY big deal in these parts; our county of 2100 people can see crowds twice that for the tractor and truck pulls. Videographer Chris needed to be at the fair on duty for his day job by 1PM, so Daniela and I set up the night before and were on duty by 8AM on the day of the filming. Actually she painted a full-scale feather on the back of the chair as a warm-up exercise during the set-up evening (I painted over it subsequently).
It was almost intoxicating watching her slowly build the design with the fine tools, confident eye and sure hands of a trained decorative painter and conservator.
Fortunately the weather was wonderful so Daniela’s husband and children put in a full day of revelry at the fair while we were hard at work the following day with the cameras running. Actually Daniela was hard at work, I was just watching her create magic.
And there you have the lovely chairs and the even more lovely lady who helped create them. She is excited, as am I, to reconnect for the next round of chairs as I intend to include them in my agenda for the foreseeable future. Daniela, being Daniela, refused my efforts to pay her for these labors but I did persuade her to take about $500 worth of 23k gold leaf home with her.
Daniela’s creative genius was all captured on camera and microphone (I was interviewing her almost the entire time she was working) and will be included in the completed video, which at this point is looking likely to be longer than Roots.
Those are lovely! Now all you need is a zoftig gentleman to load test them for you!