Boullework Day 3
Our final day for the recent Boullework marquetry workshop included wrapping up our sawing,
assembling the finished patterns,
and gluing them down to supports.
For small compositions I am a big believer in using bricks as free-floating dead weights to hold them steady while the glue sets. I think these will be used as project starters in the future.
The students also had time to examine their tordonshell they made on the first day, which had air dried until the end of the second day and then spent the final night and day in the dessication chamber. Thus they had their own pieces to take with them, along with the leftovers from the pieces I’d made for the workshop. They’ve got plenty of tordonshell to experiment with several new projects.
I also allowed them to practice with two important tools. First, the chevalet,
and second, the Knew Concepts precision saw (full disclosure — I often collaborate with Knew to give my two cents about developing new tools and uses for those tools).
A grand time was had by all, and I enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to the next time I teach this workshop.
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