
Boullework Presentation May 21

I am delighted that in the aftermath of being disinvited from the Winterthur conference on marquetry, the Blue Ridge Chapter of SAPFM immediately extended the invitation for me to make my presentation to their group on May 21 in Fredericksburg VA, at Woodworkers Workshop, 1104 Summit Street.  I will be the afternoon speaker/demonstrator.  It’s my first traveling presentation in more than two years and I am looking forward to it.

You can get any particular information you need through the website if you are interested in attending, or you can let me know and I will forward your interest to our Chapter Coordinator.  I think there is a $10 fee to cover coffee and lunch.

In related news, I will be one of the presenters (Historic Finishing) at the SAPFM Mid-Year Conference, coincidentally also in Fredericksburg, June 26.