Cockroach’s Cousin – Rainy Day Work
I don’t mind working outside when it is cold, within reason, but I prefer to stay inside when it is cold and wet, as during a recent day. Since there was work to complete on the insides of the affected windows that was not a problem.
In the living room I had a fair bit of re-installation to complete, mostly because I originally selected a convoluted trim scheme thirty plus years ago. As a result I had to remove considerably more interior trim than would have otherwise been the case when I reconstructed the wall around the one window. Me and my affinity to G&G detailing with select vintage woods…
But, it all went back together just fine. A little patching and painting for the wallboard and it will be done.
The window in the piano room was more involved as that interior trim was infested and I burned all of that, so I needed to make all new trim from vintage walnut. Which, fortunately, I have a fair bit.
Since my larger machines are 225 miles away in the mountains I had to use these two old reliable beauties from the 1950s, my Craftsman version of the Williams & Hussey planer and the little Homecraft tilt-top beauty that was the American version (precursor?) of the classic Inca 8″ table saw. I have always really liked this little saw, and can see the time when I tart it up once it becomes my every-day workhorse in a smaller shop in the distant future.
I sawed and thicknessed the boards on the machines then finished them off with hand planes in the basement workshop. Installed the new trim looks just like the old trim, which was the goal.
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