
Excellent Book, Nice Resume’ Enhancer

I got a package from FedEx today with an Ottawa, Ontario return address.  Had I ordered something from Lee Valley and forgotten about it?  That potential is not outside the realm of possibility.


Instead of a hand tool, it was a brain tool.  In fact, it was a really good book that had been in the works for a decade or longer.  It was published by the Canadian Conservation Institute, a renowned research and preservation treatment entity within the Canadian government, and edited by my friend and colleague Jane Down (who may be the best adhesives researcher on planet).  It will be a tremendously useful resource for anyone interested in the subject of adhesives and their use for a wider range of artifact types.  I expect to use it with some regularity.


The Table of Contents reveals the breadth and depth of the concepts, materials and practices covered.  Were I still interested in such things, being invited to contribute would be a very nice resume’ enhancer, but at this point in my life I am just trying to live out my friend Mike’s dream to “do interesting projects with good people in great places.”  Of course, for me that “great place” is The Barn.
