
Great Response!

When I posted a request for volunteer readers of my manuscript of A Period Finisher’s Manual I was hoping for a few responses.  I was certainly NOT expecting a few dozen responses!  Ahhh, the Power of The Schwarz.  It is certainly heartening to know that there is that much interest in the project and I am humbled and encouraged by this situation.  I am attempting to respond with a “thank you” to every one who wrote me; if you did not get a note from my in reply it is because your email server must not talk to my email server.  Whatever that means (I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with shellac so my cognizance is pretty limited).  I have received “Could Not Deliver” or “Email address not recognized” notes for a few folks even though I used the eddress they used to send me the original note.

Sigh.  To err is human, but a really big mistake takes a compewder and a government committee.

Stay tuned.