
Groopstock 8


I am in the final stages of nailing down the details for the upcoming schedule of events at The Barn on White Run and will post a complete schedule in a few days, but I thought you might be interested in the ones that are set in stone.  I’ll post about them in the coming days.


The week of June 23-27, 2014, will be the 8th in-the-flesh assembly of the Professional Refinisher’s Group, a spirited on-line forum of furniture restorers where I have been a participant for more than 10 years.  We have gathered at the barn twice before, along with meetings in Topeka KS, Rosemount MN, and Atlanta over the years.  Participation at what the organizer’s light-heartedly refer to as “DonCamp” is limited to Group members, with lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on programming occurring side-by-side with fellowship and tip-swapping.  In addition to getting your brains crammed with useful information applicable in the shop tomorrow, a highlight is the Thursday night meatfest with me fixing slabs of my scrumptious BBQ ribs and another hearty fellow grilling a passel of handmade brats fresh from Wisconsin.  Lethargy ensues within an hour or so.


For reminiscences of the previous gatherings you can see some things here, more information about joining the forum, which we lovingly call “Groop” you can check it out at their web site, and as the the event itself, drop an email to mail@prgroop.org to find out more.