Handworks 2017, Day 0 – Other Venues
Once I got done setting up my little station for demonstrating polissoirs and beeswax finishing, I headed out with my friend Ben to see the other venues for Handworks around Amana. The expansion of Handworks has been astounding, the first one four years ago was confined to the Festhalle, this year included jam packed exhibits and demonstrations at a large room adjacent to the furniture-making shop, the former blacksmith’s shop, the former millwright’s shop, and the open air space for green woodworking and similar.
Our first stop was at the furniture shop, host to carver Mary May, the SAPFM Ohio River Chapter, Mike Siemsen, Jim Moon and his amazing Studley tool cabinet replica, and at least a couple more folks. There wasn’t much going on there just yet. Besides, I forgot to take pictures of the set-up.
The blacksmith’s shop was starting to fill, with Bad Axe Tools, and Mortise and Tenon magazine. Not all of the exhibitors had arrived.
Moving on to the millwright’s shop found more activity as a variety of folks were already set up, and some, like me, were out strolling the village.
I’m not sure what the story was with this freestanding great wheel, but I would have definitely found a place for it in the barn.
The final stop was the open air space for timber framers, chair makers, and best of all the crew from Norway demonstrating the amazing skottbenk planing beam.
A year ago I did not even know what this was, now thanks to their blog I have to have one! They were the most cheerful group imaginable, happy to be at Handworks and especially to be away from Norway for a while. The snow back home was still nearly knee deep, so they were reveling in the comparitive tropical paradise.
They’d even found a vintage skottbenk at Amana and had it on display at their space.
This very showy windlass from a bow saw was from their tool set.
We wandered back to the Festhalle for a final look as things were coming together. This is one of my favorite images of the day, from left Rob Lee, Chris Vesper, and Ben Hobbs chatting.
It was our last breath of calm prior to departing for home on Saturday evening.
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