@Handworks 2017 – Original Roubo Print 259
Continuing Roubo’s theme of indolent leisure we have Plate 259, “Other Sorts of Game Tables with Their Illustrations” from a First Edition of L’art du Menuisier. The image is a delightful assemblage of precise detailed representations of a variety of tables employed in activities dedicated to killing time and presumably transferring money from one person to another. Perhaps most charming about this page is that there are some tiny creases in the paper from the original casting of the hand-made paper. I find such features delightful, and overall the page is in most excellent condition, one of the best among the prints I have for sale.
The plate was drawn and engraved by Roubo himself.
If you have ever wanted to own a genuine piece of Rouboiana, this is your chance. I will be selling this print at Handworks on a first-come basis, with terms being cash, check, or Paypal if you have a smart phone and can do that at the time of the transaction.
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