
@Handworks 2017-Roubo Print 245

Up next in our Magical Menuisiery Tour is Plate 245, “The Way to Draw Extended Curves Used on Bed Canopies.”   Like all of the geometery exercises in L’art du Menuisier this plate was drawn and engraved by Roubo himself.

The print is in very good condition due to some spot staining (not really disfiguring but present).  The edges of the page have the oxidation fully in keeping with a print that was pulled and bound in 1774.

If you have ever wanted to own a genuine piece of Rouboiana, this is your chance.   And if you have any plans to build a royal bed with an oval canopy with lace draperies and bed linens, you are in luck!  I will be selling this print at Handworks on a first-come basis, with terms being cash, check, or Paypal if you have a smart phone and can do that at the time of the transaction.
