
Handworks 2020 – Be There Or Be (Out Of) Square

The new website for Handworks 2020 is now live and kicking.  With virtually every maker of fine woodworking tools present as vendors and three adjacent venues and thousands of fellow comrades-in-tools it will be a memorable experience.

Once again Roy Underhill will be the Saturday morning speaker, always a great crowd pleaser.

The Barn On White Run (that’s me!) will be present with loads of our polissoirs, waxes, polishes, and other items for your viewing and purchasing pleasure, and I will be giving demonstrations once an hour on using all of these items.

Plus my friend John will be joining me with the latest developments in ripple molding cutters.

As the days grow closer I’ll be blogging frequently bout the event and our participation and experiences there.

Make your plans to join us.