
New In The Shop – Scissors

One of the tools ubiquitous in most work setting is a pair of scissors.  Less common in a woodworking shop is a good pair of scissors.  Thanks to the evangelism of my pal Mike the upholsterer (thanks Mike!) I am always on the lookout for a good pair of scissors to add to the shop toolkit.  He has about 42 bazillion pair of scissors, each in top condition.

When I take note, it is surprising how often I grab for a good pair of vintage scissors to cut out patterns, make shims, or what not.

While at PATINA a couple months ago I was browsing through the tailgating flea market prior to the program and found a sweet, heavyweight pair in extremely good condition ($5 IIRC).  Once I got them in the shop and cleaned up they did not even need sharpening or adjusting.  The blades are six inches long and the action is smooth.

These scissors cut fabric, paper, cork sheet, leather, and lightweight carboard without breaking a sweat, and commercial veneers almost as easily (I use the veneers for shims, mostly).  Best of all is they do not take up much space.

So be on the lookout for similar tools for your shop and toss away the cheap scissors from the dollar store.  You will be glad you did.