Paterae Inlay Class at CVSW
The day after Veneer Repair came a session to create a pair of oval Federal inlays. The morning was spent creating a simple conch shell pattern patera about 2 inches by four inches, in an oval surround with multi-stringing border. I provided all of the tools and supplies for the students.
The first process is to make a packet of the veneers from which the patera will be cut. These are just stacked and wrapped with veneer tape.
Then the pattern is glued to one face of the packet, using stick glue.
Using a small eggbeater drill and a tiny bit, a hole is punched in an unobtrusive spot and a jeweler’s saw blade (0000 in this case) is fed through, hooked up the the saw frame, and the sawing begins.
Once the pieces are all cut out they are immersed into a bath of hot sand to scorch in the shading pattern.
The end result is a compelling one.
The pieces are all glued to a piece of kraft paper backing, and the stringing border also glued to the same paper with the help of a pile of straight pins. The proud wood would be trimmed with a sharp chisel and then it is ready to use.
Thus endeth the morning. Up next, the second patera.
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