(Re)Making A Parquetry Veneer Saw
The assemblage of the 60-120-60-120 parquetry for my proof-of-concept panel for the tool cabinet, confirmed two critical tool contributors requisite for the process. First is a set of fine kerf saws and the other is an ultra-precise trimming template for the individual units. The blog on the trimming template will be posted soon, but the next few are all about the saws.
In working the heavy sawn veneers, I found myself using several small Japanese saws exclusively — a readily available dovetail saw and a curved tooth veneer saw. I’ve blogged previously about the unavailability of Japanese veneer saws, at least in my experience, which motivated me to look for other alternatives.
One of the alternatives I have used in the past is the saw used for cutting into the center of flat areas, mostly for outlining mortises for carpentry-scale work. Such a saw works perfectly for trimming parquetry elements in part because it has a much larger handle than anything similar. Unfortunately it has a really long neck on the blade, making it “wobbly.” Blending the cutting capabilities with a stiffer handle and neck was a project I bit in to with vigor.
Stay tuned.
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