HO Studley

The HO Studley Exhibit Opening Night

Since the vendors from Handworks were going to be, well, vending during the times the exhibit was open, the only way they could experience it for themselves was for me to arrange with Jameel for a “private” viewing outside normal business hours.

So I did.


After the installation was complete we all hustled down to Amana for a quick bite to eat in the Festhalle Barn, then back to Cedar Rapids to get changed into the dress code for the weekend.  Our attire was that worn by Henry in the only known image of him.   Dark shoes, black pants, white shirts, and necktie, set off by a cotton shop apron.


In my case I dispensed with the apron and instead wore some of my self-made studelyesque suspenders I created especially for the event.  Here I am with our delightful host, Douglas Heath, who was in charge of the Scottish Rite Temple facility.  I think he had as much fun looking at the exhibit as any of the patrons.


Narayan Nayar, the gifted photographer for the book, was on hand to take pictures of us with the exhibit before the hordes arrived.


At the appointed time I went out to greet them, and my what a crowd it was!  The entire lobby of the Scottish Rite Temple was packed.


After a few words from me we directed the folks into the hall.  Unfortunately (?) I was kept pretty busy mingling and chatting, so all the pictures here are from the people who were there and took them, and are allowing me to share them with you.  Thank you all.


The audience was rapt and enthusiastic.  I actually did not stand near the case on purpose, I have seen it and would just take up space for those who wanted to get close.  And yes, these tool makers wanted to get close!

c2015-05-21 16.06.22

One of my many enjoyable moments was crossing paths with Vic Tes0lin from the Lee Valley Tools Posse.  About two months earlier, just as I was making my own suspenders, Vic wrote me a fan letter about the earlier iteration of the suspenders I had worn at Handworks in 2013.  As a possessor of a mature physique, Vic said that he wore suspenders routinely and though the Studley version was great.  Since I was already making three pairs of suspenders for myself, it was easy to just make it four pairs.  Vic was near speechless when I gave him a pair, and he wore them proudly for the weekend and apparently ever since.

Many more pictures are bound to come my way, and if all goes well we will be building a gallery of photos over at the exhibit site.