HO Studley

The Light at the End of The Tunnel (and I am hoping it is not an oncoming train…)

Two weeks from today I will be in the home stretch as the final process for executing the HO Studley Tool Cabinet and Workbench Exhibit  (there are still tickets remaining here) begins at the Scottish Rite Temple of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, only twenty minutes away from the hand tool nirvana of Handworks.  The list of things “To Do” in preparation for the exhibit is getting shorter.  Off the top of my head this is the status report of what I’ve been doing over the past two years (there are undoubtedly many other components I am not remembering at the moment):

Exhibit locations and spaces scouted and evaluated – done

Exhibit space reserved – done

exhibit $pace paid for – done

exhibit graphics (wall panels, banners) selected and edited – done

exhibit graphics sent to production company – done

exhibit graphics in production – check

exhibit graphics paid for – no invoice yet

Studley collection apprai$ed – done

Studley collection appraiSal paid for – done

exhibit in$urance arranged – done

exhibit in$urance paid – done

exhibit casework designed and submitted to fabricators – done

exhibit ca$ework paid for – done

exhibit plexiglass locking vitrine designed and sent to fabricator – done

exhibit locking vitrine fabricated – done

exhibit locking vitrine fabrication paid – no invoice yet

Studley collection high securitydedicated transport locked in – check

Studley collection high security and dedicated transport paid – invoiced after the exhibit

exhibit didactics designed and fabricated – 90% there

Studley workbench replica fabricated – done

custom fitted dollie for Studley workbench base – fabricated

exhibit theatrical backdrop$ and lighting secured – scheduled

exhibit theatrical backdrops and lighting paid for – no invoice yet

exhibit tickets designed (different designs for each day) – done

exhibit ticket$ printed and paid for – done

exhibit installation crew recruited – done

exhibit docents recruited – done

book manuscript proofs sent to docents – done

exhibit deinstallation crew recruited – done

packing everything I need to take with me – NOT done (yet)


Today I am wrapping up the last “big” thing, which is to finish applying the padding to the “A” frame style cart on which I can secure the exquisite mahogany-over-oak bench top from the original Studley workbench.

After this it is just a matter of wrapping up a multitude little things, getting packed, and then heading towards Cedar Rapids for the opening on May 15.

I hope to see you there.