The Real Deal Coming Soon To A Web Store Near You – First Edition Roubo Prints (c.1765)

Recently I came across the pile of prints I have from a First Edition of Roubo’s L’Art du Menuisier. These were a lot I purchased at auction some time ago, primarily because it contained the core prints that started me down the Roubophile path decades ago. Though not a complete set of the volumes’ prints, they were and are spectacular even though we have access to them only because some barbarian cut up the original volumes just to have the individual prints.

These are hand-printed on hand-made linen paper, and Roubo almost certainly provided some level of direct supervision in their making (beyond doing all of the illustrations and engraving most of the plates himself). There is an almost tangible connection with him as you see the impressions from the engraved plate on the not-flawless paper from more than 250 years ago.
As soon as we can get the formatting complete they will go onto the Store page of this web site and be available for you to acquire for your own workshop wall or wherever you want them to hang.
Here is the inventory I will have for sale. Up through Plate 297 these are images of the actual prints I have, after that they are an image from Chris’ First Edition. I’ll make sure I have the genyoowine pics on the Store page.
224, Many Types of Folding Stools and Their Development

234, The Manner of Determining the Desired Centers for All Kinds of Seats

238, How to Draw a Full-scale Pattern of the Curve of a Seat

245, The Way to Draw Extended Curves Used on Bed Canopies

248, Illustrations of a Turkish-style Bed and its Developments

249, Plan and Elevations of a Campaign Bed with Its Developments

251, Diagrams of a table and a camp bed with their Developments

256, A Continuation of Description of a billiard table and the Instruments that are Necessary to this Game

259, Other Sorts of Game Tables with Their Illustrations

260, Diagrams and Elevations of a Desk With Its Developments

263, Further Developments of Roll-Top Desks and Other Writing Tables

271, Various Sorts of Shelves and the Profiles Appropriate for Armoires

273, Developments of the Buffet Represented in the Previous Plate

274, Plans and Elevations of a Common Commode

282, The Way of Preparing Frames To Receive Veneerwork

283, The Ways to Cut Veneers

297, Elements of Perspective Necessary for Cabinetmakers

298, Method of Creating Perspective Images With Wood Veneers

321, How to Add (Hardware) Fittings for Cabinetry

322, Portable Embroidery Frame with Its Developments

323, Continuing with the Movable Frame and Another Small Frame

332, Necessaries and Other Types of Boxes

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