The Week Before Ripplemania II
The second annual gathering of Rippleistas convenes a week from today, and I am readying the barn classroom and main room. I’ve heard back from all three of last year’s participants and they hope to be here, along with one other person who will drop by if he can. I’ve had no other confirmation of attendees wanting to join us even though the event is open-invitation and tuition-free so perhaps the charm of ripple moldings is less than I thought.
Although I no longer have the Winterthur Museum ripple molding cutter here, it having been made functional and returned, I know that one of our posse wants to experiment with a bench-top version of a ripple molding cutter, another will be perfecting his own machine built since last year, and two of us will no doubt be working on a new machine and revisiting my own machine design from last year.
I’ve ordered a pile of the nece$$ary hardware from McMa$ter-Carr so we should have everything we need to have a week of productive fellowship and undulating creativity.
Stay tuned.
Available Time and distance is what’s stopping me this time will plan for August 19 / and purchasing your upcoming video Making and using a Ripple Machine
Any chance you can grab some short video shots of this in action? I’ve been trying to piece together how the motion of the cutters and the feed of the stock is achieved and I arrive at the familiar place – Dunnow. It would also be interesting to see how the two are motions are interlinked to keep the timing correct. I imagine the mechanisms share similarities with sewing machines only on a larger, slower scale. Not knowing and trying to imagine all the different ways these motions could be accomplished is taking up much of my daydreaming time.
I’m working on making some video during the event, a considerable challenge given my technical illiteracy. But since there will be smart phones abounding it is possible.
PS A full-length video on making and using a ripple molding machine is is the planning for next autumn. We’ll be offering a week-long “build your own ripple cutter” workshop probably August 2019.