Treasured Mementos, Including a Replica of the H.O. Studley Tool Box
For any enterprise like Groop, there are many layers of dynamic activity. Such truth is enhanced immensely when the members gather together during their irregularly scheduled GroopShops, of which there have been many over the past fifteen years, including three at the Barn. It is then that fellowship goes into overdrive.
After dinner on the second night, Group Trustee Mike Mascelli took to the floor to give a heartfelt recitation of Groop, reflecting on its founder Alan Marriage and his untimely death a dozen years ago. (Somehow I did not get a good picture of Mike) Mike also launched a round of memento giving, including this super cool Vixen file to me, knowing of my passion for tortoiseshell and the similarities between Vixen files and French tortoiseshell rasps known as “grailles.” It has already been put to work, which is the highest compliment you can pay regarding a tool Mike has bestowed on you.
Groopster Dan Carlson once again was the ringleader for an aggregate gift commemorating Groopstock, this time a vintage saw purloined from my ample stash of saws “to be fixed up, some day,” painted then signed by all the attendees.
It has already taken its place of high honor near the gift from three years ago, a portrait of my wife, me, and The Barn.
Dave Reeves brought down the house with his lengthy and convoluted tale of my fascination with the Studley tool cabinet, and told of his tireless efforts to find me a legitimate replica, and the joy of learning that his pickers had found one. I will let you judge their efforts, but I am not certain they comprehended his instructions adequately.
If you want to follow the adventure of the REAL Studley ensemble, including the upcoming exhibit in May 2015, you can do that by going here.
One final treasure of the week was spending it in the company of my brother and nephew, without whose tireless efforts the lawn would not have been mowed, the new shower in the barn not installed… Thanks guys.
It does not get much better than this.
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