
Upcoming Demonstrations at The Highland Maple Festival

The Highland Maple Festival -sugar water drip by Devonia Gutshal Rexrode

One of the annual highlights out in the mountains, well, to be honest THE annual highlight, is the Highland Maple Festival over the two weekends in the middle of March when the maple sap is flowing freely and the county of 2,200 residents is joined by about 50,000 of their closest friends.  In addition to maple buckwheat pancakes and the incomparable maple doughnuts there are lots of craft and art vendors from one end of town to the other.


I will once again be demonstrating old-time woodworking at my pal David Blanchard’s furniture making and restoration shop across the street from the courthouse.  David is also a local elected public official, but I hope and pray he recovers from this wickedness before much longer.


I’ve been demonstrating at David’s for several Festivals, and have not made up my mind about what I will be doing this time.  In the past I have steam bent Gragg chair parts, taught sharpening, assembled parquetry, and cut joinery.


I have the new (since last year) Tod Herrli small window sash plane so I just might make some doors for a cabinet.

herrli2 flattened

So, if you are in the neighborhood, drop by and say high.