WIA Day 2 – Book Signing
Saturday afternoon we had scheduled a session where Narayan and Chris and I would all be at the Lost Art Press booth to sign copies of the HO Studley book and the new HO Studley video documentary. It was a reminder of how much I enjoy the company of these men and also John Hoffman, the other partner of LAP.
One of the secrets for the project is that although we worked very hard when on-site with the tool cabinet — 12 and 14 hour days were not uncommon — much of that time was spend needling each other and ridiculing the world at large and laughing with gusto. Chris and Narayan are exceedingly funny people, and even though I was occasionally the butt of the jokes it was okay because it was all so much fun.
And sitting alongside Narayan at WIA for a couple hours signing books and chatting I was reminded that of all the treasures related to the Studley Project, my friendship with Narayan that grew out of the project is perhaps that one I value the most. It joins the terrific relationship I have with Chris and John, making the collaboration with the LAP posse pretty much a delight.
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