“Hollywood Don” Update
I recently reviewed the initial undertaking of the video franchise, a 6-minute introduction to the whole enterprise. Other than my face being on the screen too much, it seems just fine. It’s 99% complete, needing only a fifteen second segment to be shot and inserted, which we will do perhaps as early as next week.
The first full-length spectacle, “Veneer Repair,” is in the can, and I am reviewing it for content and continuity right now. I’ll blog about that soon.
I have decided that since this is our first full-length offering we will post it for free watching, with a “Donate” option for those viewers who found it useful, and a “Get a 100% refund” for those who did not.
Our second video, “Making A Gragg Chair” will begin filming as soon as we can get our calendars and the weather in sync. We are expecting several episodes of possibly substantial snow over the coming days, and since there will be a fair bit of the filming “on location” (read: outdoors) while I harvest the oak stock, we are at the mercy of larger forces.
Stay tuned.
PS my video collaborator Chris Swecker is absolutely first rate, and I am blessed by his return to the hinterboonies where he grew up. I truly hope this can mature into producing the dozens of videos I have in mind.
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