Now In The Store – Blend 31 Block Wax
You can now order Blend 31 block wax in the Store at Blend 31 is a solid wax of 3 parts hand-processed beeswax and 1 part shellac wax. It is $16 per quarter pound block, domestic shipping included.
I use Blend 31 for all kinds of things around the shop including lubricating plane soles and saw blades, and it works wonders on drawer runners. Since it is 1/4 shellac wax, and since shellac wax is the second hardest natural wax, it is a fair bit harder than pure beeswax. And, unlike pure beeswax, thanks to the shellac wax fraction this blend warps a bit when going from molten to solid.
Recently I posted the recipe I use for turning Blend 31 into a stout paste wax good for any application where paste wax is the desired form.
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