
Neatniks R Us (Not!)

One of the great things about possessing and occupying the barn is that I have 7,000 square feet of space.  And occupy it I do.  Lots of storage, lots of work space(s).  As a matter of fact, I have more than a dozen work stations allowing me to set up multiple projects, moving from one to the other as needed.  Or more truthfully, moving from a cluttered one to a less cluttered one.

Thus the down side to occupying the barn.  It needs more regular cleaning than I am inclined to do.

I have two dear friends, MikeM and MartinO, whose shops are so neat and orderly at all times they are what critics of shop videos would say, “It looks like no one ever works there, they are too clean.”  I can attest that Mike and Martin are indeed so orderly their shops do look that way.  Whether it is by necessity or temperament, the shops reflect the orderliness of the men themselves.  Everything is in its place, put away immediately after use.  Everything is kept clean, all the time, beginning with the moment a task is completed.

I will resist the churlish temptation to brand this as some sort of psychosis (smile).  Alas, I do not possess the traits these two neatniks have as my operating system.

For the past few months I have been paying the price for my own poor housekeeping habits, working my way back into regular shop time by cleaning the place, one work station at a time.  The end in in sight but I know well enough the trial of messiness will return soon enough.

Here’s a partial montage of my work stations.  I apologize in advance for the photography; trying to get good images when the space is ambient light and blinding snow reflection is blasting through the windows.

On the east wall, directly underneath a double row of windows is my FORP monster workbench, 8-1/2 feeet long and probably close to 500 pounds.  This bench gets used almost every day, currently is is the working platform for assembling my parquetry units for the big tool cabinet I’m making.  Underneath the bench is a cabinet full of marquetry/parquetry tools and supplies, and my stash of adhesives.  They are located here to be near the wall propane furnace.

Turn around from Roubo and you’ll find my third child.  If I was a Viking I would have this one buried with my in the mound.  This bench, with one of my Emmerts on board, is my most used piece in the whole shop.  I’m currently using it tp layout the doors of the parquetry tool cabinet.

One step behind and parallel to this bench is an early Roubo, not really successful but good enough to use as my metalworking and tool repair bench.  It has an Emmert machinists vise on it, and many jigs underneath.

Midway along the north wall is another Roubo bench, now my primary finishing station.  Underneath are cabinets full of brushes, pigments, and tube paints, etc.

Turn around from my finishing bench and you will find the Studleyesque bench I built for the exhibit now almost a decade ago.  It is perfectly usable as a general bench, but I mostly use it for my sellable inventory underneath, and packaging orders to ship out.

Down in the northwest corner of my shop is my “fine work” bench, a salvaged and renovated Sjoberg I use for all manner of small scale work.  Gunsmithing, engraving, checkering, silicone mold making, chasing, etc.

Literally adjacent to the Sjoberg bench is my writing station.  You might not think writing is work, but I promise you it is.  The chair frame was made by my Roubo translation collaborator Philippe Lafargue.  I use a turned over seat deck from a long gone project as my lap desk.

In the corner opposite my engraving station is my waxworks, encompassing all manner of wax processing.  It’s on top of a large map case unit full of veneers, mother of pearl pieces, and other exotic material.  Keeping the waxwork tidy is an unwinnable proposition, I just try to keep it usable with minimal fuss.

And this is just some of the stuff inside my 15′ x 35′ heated shop.

Stepping outside the heated shop is the “great room” in the center of the floor.  In the center of that is this Nichiols that I use whenever I am traveling to demonstrate traditional hand tool work.  It gets used here too, currently for making a Japanese planing beam and the base frame for the parqutery tool cabinet.

The north side of the great room is just tool and supply storage, but along the south edge is the space for my lathe, chop saw, and a vintage machinist lathe I bought at Donnely’s and then it was restored by my long time friend Jersey Jon.

At the east end of the room, in front of the wall o’windows, are two rolling benches with a variety of power machines, and next to them is my drill press.

On the opposite side of the floor from my shop is a space I originally designated as a classroom.  It contains several work stations for students, but now serves as an intermediate space for things in process of being “put away.”

Then on the fourth floor is my Gragg chair workshop.

At one end of the 40 x 24 space is my Roubo workbench, steam box and many bending and assembly jigs.

I also have a couple of large assembly tables that can be situated as the need arises.

So there is a truncated account of all the work stations I need to clean.



Workbench Wednesday – Japanese Planing Beam I

Image from early 2012, the year before we moved to Shangri-la. At this point the shop was still mostly empty space.

In my early days of working in the barn one of the very first things I did was install a massive (8″ x 10″ x 8′) planing beam along one wall of the shop, but over time I realized it was mostly 1) the most robust junk shelf in the world, and 2) a tremendous space hog consuming too much valuable wall and floor space I could not afford.  Especially given the reality that eventually I had several other options for hand planing workstations.  In the end I dismantled the beam and repurposed the timber into something else.

Still, I never lost that ephemeral sentiment that, particularly in the realm of Japanese toolwork, an inclined planing beam would be a nice addition to the place.  [N.B. it seems as though I am creating new workbenches about as fast as I get rid of the old ones!  Mrs. Barn thinks I have “a workbench problem.”  She is incorrect; I do not have “a workbench problem,” I have a lot of workbenches.  Completely different thing.]

Thus I set about trying my hand at the classic Japanese planing beam using some of my less-than-perfect cypress planks as the core, glued together to make something stout.  By “less than perfect” I mean that one side of the 11/4 c.1840 water tank staves was a little beat up or degraded.  I extracted a pair of the staves from my stash and ran them through my little power planer that has been my corded apprentice for nearly forty years.

Once I got the gluing surfaces cleaned up I dressed them with a toothing plane to remove the planer chatter and increase the surface area for the glue contact.

Using the technique for gluing stack laminations I learned in the foundry pattern shop 45 years ago I employed screws to temporarily clamp the two planks together, this time using 4″ decking screws with fender washers underneath each screw head.  The clamping power of this system is impressive, as you can tell from the squeeze-out.  I left them overnight then removed all the screws and washers.

Since the compression divots and the screw holes are all on the underside of the beam they are of no consequence.

Time to true the beam.

Workbench Wednesday – Tim’s Walnut Bench Finale

Our plan from the beginning of Tim’s bench-building visit was to fabricate what was essentially a kit, since everything had to fit as individual pieces into his compact station wagon for the trip home.

Our final day together was spent sorta assembling the bench to make sure it fit together the way we wanted.  Since it was a split-top Roubo, we could each work on one half of it at different work stations.  This was Tim’s first big woodworking project so I let him do much of the work.


In the end we screwed some temporary cleats to the underside of the slabs in order to get it up on its feet, and mounted Tim’s piano maker’s vise for the obligatory pictures.

The rest of the work, installing the stretchers and cross battens and trimming the legs to length, will be accomplished by Tim once he gets back home.

We made exact measurements prior to beginning the construction so it all fit into his little station wagon, just barely clearing the rear hatch and dashboard.

And with that he was on the road back home to work on completing the bench as time allows.

NB – Tim has been making steady progress but the terminus has not yet arrived.

Workbench Wednesday – Tim’s Walnut Bench 3

Chopping mortises and fitting tenons.

I am fairly confident that had Roubo’s contemporaries owned Shinto rasps, they would’ve used them That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

That is all we did, all day.  That, and listen to music.

Then, with the gentlest taps possible we put the pieces together for the rear half.

Since the whole thing had to be disassembled for the trip home we made little effort to get it, well, all together.  We did just enough to know that it could go together once it got there.


Workbench Wednesday – Tim’s Walnut Bench Part 2

There’s actually a bit of overflow from Day 1 but this is mostly about Day 2 activities.

The regions of epoxy/sawdust fills had hardened, and then flattened with a variety of tools like Surform, Auriou, and Vixen files and rasps.

We started off by spacing the legs on the top.  This was easy enough as Tim was going to use his sublime Studleyesque piano-maker’s vise as the tail vise for the bench (of all the piano makers’ vises I’ve seen it is the closest one to Studley’s).  We set that in place and laid out the leg joints accordingly to be symmetrical.

Tim was so taken with this German horned toothing plane I made sure to send it home with him. I liked it a lot too, but I have another dozen toothing planes.  Still, if I find another one like that one…

Since I do not possess the industrial scale machines to flatten and square the slabs we had to do all that by hand.  Our goal was not to accomplish pristine smooth slabs but rather get them square, flat and true, at least in the regions of the joinery.  For the most part this was done with scrub and toothing planes, the final surfacing will be done by Tim next spring after the bench has been up on its feet through the winter.

Once again, with timbers this massive the Roubo winding sticks were worth their weight in gold.  This started out with a wind of ~1/8″ and is now just a whisper from finished.


Once the first slab was trued we really got to work.  I did the layout for the joints and cut the dovetail shoulders, demonstrated the first mortise and dovetail and Tim got to work on them while I worked on the other slab.

This is a favorite picture of two stout fellows hard at work during the hottest week of the decade, music blaring throughout the atmosphere.

Up next: fitting joints.

Workbench Wednesday – Tim’s Walnut Bench Day 2

[Sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday — DCW]

With the overnight gluing of the leg and stretcher elements successful, we undertook their preparation for the joint cutting to come.

My little 4″ Makita jointer/planer combination was a priceless jewel in the process, squaring and flattening the edges.

We dragged my beloved Ryobi lunchbox planer out into the driveway to true all four edges, saving the planer shavings for use later in the day.

Tim set to work cutting all the elements to approximate length, cleaning up the ends so we could start cutting the double-tenon ends.

With one end established I laid out the three sections of the top joints, two tenons and one central open mortise.

The lines of the mortises were cut on the bandsaw.

The waste material was removed with mallet, chisel, and brute force.  My technique is to drive down along the base of the joint, then split out a half inch of waste at a time from the end grain.

While Tim was working on the open mortises I cut the dovetails on the outer corners.

It was then time to turn our attentions to the one corner of the slabs that needed to be built up due to the wain edge of the slab.

I sized the area with a diluted solution of West System epoxy thinned with alcohol for greater penetration.

I made a coffer out of a box and taped it in place.

With that corner “face up” we had a perfect form to fill the void.

I mixed some West System epoxy and thinned it with alcohol, then saturated a pile of planer shavings to make a fill material which was stuffed into the void.

One final drizzling of the thinned epoxy and a last sprinkle of shavings completed that task and it was left to harden overnight.

Thus endeth Day 2.

Webmeister Tim’s Workbench – Day 1


I first met Webmeister Tim during my research for the H.O. Studley tool cabinet book, probably around 2012 or 2013.  I got an email from a fellow who said, “Hey, I think I’ve got a vise like the ones you are talking about.”  I arranged to meet him in person at a diner in southern Maine and sure enough, he had a vise much like the ones about which I had been waxing ecstatic.  Tim was a wood turner but not yet a full-spectrum woodworker, so he allowed me to borrow his vise to study, and eventually, to display in the 2015 exhibit that coincided with Handworks 2015.  Of all the piano-lakers’ vises I’ve seen his is the closest to Studley’s.

Our agreement was that he would come and get it, “Whenever.”

Well, after more than a decade of long-distance friendship, including dozens of phone calls relating to the business of the website, which he now steers, “Whenever” finally occurred last month.  Finally aligning the stars of our respective lives, he was able to come to Shangri-la and spend a week with us in the Virginia hinterlands.  It was truly a great time of fellowship and productive work together.

Our focus for the week was to build him a heritage workbench that would last the rest of his life and probably any eventual grandchildren and great-grandchildren as well.  The raw material for the bench was my slabbed black walnut, the style of the bench a split-top Roubo.

I worked him really hard during the week, beginning with hand sawing the almost 5″ thick slabs to length.

There were a couple of regions of the slabs needing attention, so we saturated them with diluted West System epoxy and walnut sawdust, followed by a top sprinkling of sawdust on top to provide a good surface for final finishing when it got to that point.

I did not have slab stock for the legs and stretchers, so we had to laminate them from black walnut cut from the same tree and some vintage stock I had in my lumber barn.  For the newer stock we ran them through my little Ryobi 10″ planer that has been serving me well for about 35 years.

For the vintage stock from my barn, they had been planed eons ago so all they needed was a quick scrubbing with a wire brush to remove any debris and freshen up the surfaces for gluing.

Then glued-up they were with T3 to accommodate any situation the bench might find itself in the future.

Thus endeth Day One of the Great Webmeister Tim Bench Build.

Workbench Wednesday: An Excellent Video

At the end of July I’ll be building a premium workbench for Webmeister Tim, who will be visiting.  In order to get in the mind-groove I was browsing youtube for inspiration, not that I really need it, and stumbled across this wonderful short video chronicling the construction of a bench the analog of which I have built four or five.  I probably use at least one my three remaining iterations of them on an almost daily basis (given my inventory of more than a dozen workbenches, one is never more than a step or two away from one).  Easy and inexpensive to build, yielding a heritage workbench for centuries to come.

I might take a slightly different path for some of it but en toto this one is solid gold.


Workbench Wednesday – A Perfect Fit

One of the unintended outcomes for my cypress auxiliary bench is that it fits perfectly behind my driver’s seat, making it nearly effortless to take it with me whenever I travel.  Given my frequent travels to visit family I’m thinking this auxiliary bench will log a lot of miles.

Until this blindingly obvious flash of insight I always laid the auxiliary bench flat on the seat or in the bed, sometimes causing a logistical conundrum about how to stack the cargo, and in what order.  Now all of those concerns are assuaged, and the inclusion of this accessory will simply be routine.

Workbench Wednesday – Homemade (Wooden) Holdfast

One of the key features of The Ultimate Portable Workbench is its weight, or more precisely, its lack of weight and its rigid stability.  That is to be expected for a portable bench, designed for on-site furniture restoration projects.  This concept has been unfolding in my brain and shop for three decades.

My estimate for Version 4.0 is a fighting weight of 50-60 pounds, not featherweight but manageable especially since it folds flat-ish.  Even though I no longer have any plans for on-site work (there could always be a project that temps me, but it has been a very long time since I did any on-site work) I am going to finish this version as a gift to my son-in-law, given his nomadic status (military) for another ten years.

One of the critical improvements in this version is the increase of work-holding capacity to the point where the bench could suffice for almost any woodworking venture.  In addition to the two twin-screw Moxon-style vises I figured out a way to incorporate holdfasts into the design and function.  The critical thing was, as I alluded before, thinking beyond the realm of steel/iron holdfasts.  They work perfectly in this or any other application but they add unnecessary weight.  But, what about holdfasts made from lighter material?  At one point I thought about trying to cast some aluminum holdfasts myself, but I have had such success with wooden holdfasts I have decided to pursue that avenue enthusiastically.

Following Mike Siemsen’s perhaps tongue-in-cheek reference in his brilliant video I made a first proof-of-concept model.  Imperfect to be sure, but successful enough to propel my further development.

One of the main faults for the initial prototype was that I had not oriented the grain direction of the clamping arm properly.  So after a short time in service the arm broke exactly where you would expect.  Solving that problem was simple and straightforward, my favorite kind of solution.

First, rather than making the arm from a scrap piece of pine in the kindling box I used one of the dozens of white oak sample blocks I had boxed under one of the benches.  I created these for a corporate presentation many years ago that I would thought was going to lead to a consulting gig, but it never did.  I provided a complete set of samples for each attendee in my presentation so I had a lot of these blocks awaiting a new purpose.

Once I determined the general nature and shape of the holdfast overall I placed the block in the drill press at the inclination I desired and drilled a 3/4″ hole to accommodate the 3/4″ oak vertical post.

I rough-shaped the block with the bandsaw and glued a length of 3/4″ oak dowel into the arm.


Once the glue was set — I used T3 since I have a lot of it on hand at the moment — I finished shaping the head/arm with rasps.

And with that it was done and ready to get to work.  I’d guess my total time of fabrication for the holdfast was about 10-15 minutes.

It works exceedingly well, holding whatever piece might be reasonably worked on The Ultimate Portable Workbench.