
Saturday’s Presentation at SAPFM Tidewater Chapter

Saturday I will be heading down to the Virginia Tidewater Chapter of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers.  My topic(s) for the day will revolve around my ongoing curiosity about historic finishes, including a trial run of a session on making a new finish look old.  This will also be the theme of my demonstrations at the SAPFM mid-year meeting in Knoxville in June.

Hope to see you there.

Here’s the announcement on the Saturday shindig.


We are looking forward to a great SAPFM Tidewater chapter meeting on March 14th at Somerton Ridge Hardwoods, near Suffolk. The Highlights are:
DON WILLIAMS  –The authority on period furniture finishes.
WILLIAM DUFFIELD — Presenting his “Bench top bench” –( you’ll all want to make one)
CHRIS VICKERS — Hardwood lumber inventory and specials — ALSO Lunch!
So that Chris, our host, can make plans for our BBQ lunch, he needs to know how many people will be attending. So please respond ASAP, if you haven’t,  so we can give him a head count. Also, Chris has 2  Specials available and needs to know how many might be interested—4/4 curly maple packs,100-200 bf @ $3.70/ bf; and African Mahogany in 100-150 bf bundles — $4.85 for 4/4 and $5.00 for 8/4. Let us know of your interest in these as well.
Please arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 as we will start promptly at 9:00 am.
                                        THE AGENDA
9:00    Welcome and housekeeping notes
9:15   Finishes used in the period
9:45   Level of build and gloss desired in the period on different types of pieces

10:30           Break
10:45  How period finishes were applied on different surfaces (brushed/padded/rubbed?)
11:15  New discoveries about period use of waxes — applied under or over finishes? How applied?
12:00       BBQ Lunch
1:00   The Bench top bench –it’s evolution and improvements — how to build
2:30   How to recreate a 200 year old looking  finish today?
3:00   DEMO of same
4:00   Tour Somerton Ridges Hardwood inventory
4:30 – 5:30  Lumber and finishing supply sales
This will be a great learning opportunity for us all!!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone there,