The Weekly Trip To The Post Office
My usual routine includes a weekly trip to the Post Office to mail orders for beeswax, polissoirs, and the occasional video. Given the week’s delay due to the untimely death of my compewder, coinciding with the new offering of Mel’s Wax in the store, Monday’s trip made me feel like Santa.

Since our county is the least populous east of the Mississippi I am able to cultivate a personal relationship with the postal folks and they treat me great, including Monday’s pile of packages. They only have one counter station so I just dropped off the bag and they worked the packages in when they had a break in the flow of other patrons coming in to mail their packages.
I’ve already got another big pile of Mel’s Wax packages to send out. I might have to start mailing things twice a week!
PS If a unit of Mel’s Wax is part of a larger order, I send them separately; the polish is already boxed and ready to go so I put everything else in mailing envelope
I got mine and opened the package. Inside were instructions for it’s use. I also noticed a website of: but the site is not active yet. Is this something that will happen soon or just ignore it?
The web site is almost ready to go. It will be the repository for all things Mel’s Wax, eventually to include instructional videos along with more detailed information, etc. It’s a “lag time” thing, I had to include it in the written material and labeling even though it was not ready yet. I will certainly announce its debut here.
Thanks Don. Will we purchase the wax on this site,, or both?
Either page will serve for the sales of the polish. The new page is more of a portal for folks who are not natural readers of (an elite cadre, to be sure).